Doktor Who
Doctor Who
Doktor to ostatni z Władców Czasu, zamieszkujących niegdyś planetę Gallifrey. Podróżuje w czasie i przestrzeni statkiem kosmicznym - budką policyjną TARDIS, ze swoimi ziemskimi towarzyszami.
45 min
49 tys.
Odcinki: 169
Sezon 1
s01e01 Rose
25.03.2005s01e02 The End of the World
01.04.2005s01e03 The Unquiet Dead
08.04.2005s01e04 Aliens of London
15.04.2005s01e05 World War Three
22.04.2005s01e06 Dalek
29.04.2005s01e07 The Long Game
06.05.2005s01e08 Father's Day
13.05.2005s01e09 The Empty Child
20.05.2005s01e10 The Doctor Dances
27.05.2005s01e11 Boom Town
03.06.2005s01e12 Bad Wolf
10.06.2005s01e13 The Parting of the Ways
Sezon 2
s02e01 New Earth
14.04.2006s02e02 Tooth and Claw
21.04.2006s02e03 School Reunion
28.04.2006s02e04 The Girl in the Fireplace
05.05.2006s02e05 Rise of the Cybermen
12.05.2006s02e06 The Age of Steel
19.05.2006s02e07 The Idiot's Lantern
26.05.2006s02e08 The Impossible Planet
02.06.2006s02e09 The Satan Pit
09.06.2006s02e10 Love & Monsters
16.06.2006s02e11 Fear Her
23.06.2006s02e12 Army of Ghosts
30.06.2006s02e13 Doomsday
Sezon 3
s03e01 Smith and Jones
30.03.2007s03e02 The Shakespeare Code
06.04.2007s03e03 Gridlock
13.04.2007s03e04 Daleks in Manhattan
20.04.2007s03e05 Evolution of the Daleks
27.04.2007s03e06 The Lazarus Experiment
04.05.2007s03e07 42
18.05.2007s03e08 Human Nature
25.05.2007s03e09 The Family of Blood
01.06.2007s03e10 Blink
08.06.2007s03e11 Utopia
15.06.2007s03e12 The Sound of Drums
22.06.2007s03e13 Last of the Time Lords
Sezon 4
s04e01 Partners in Crime
04.04.2008s04e02 The Fires of Pompeii
11.04.2008s04e03 Planet of the Ood
18.04.2008s04e04 The Sontaran Stratagem
25.04.2008s04e05 The Poison Sky
02.05.2008s04e06 The Doctor's Daughter
09.05.2008s04e07 The Unicorn and the Wasp
16.05.2008s04e08 Silence in the Library
30.05.2008s04e09 Forest of the Dead
06.06.2008s04e10 Midnight
13.06.2008s04e11 Turn Left
20.06.2008s04e12 The Stolen Earth
27.06.2008s04e13 Journey's End
Sezon 5
s05e01 The Eleventh Hour
02.04.2010s05e02 The Beast Below
09.04.2010s05e03 Victory of the Daleks
16.04.2010s05e04 The Time of Angels
23.04.2010s05e05 Flesh and Stone
30.04.2010s05e06 The Vampires of Venice
07.05.2010s05e07 Amy's Choice
14.05.2010s05e08 The Hungry Earth
21.05.2010s05e09 Cold Blood
28.05.2010s05e10 Vincent and the Doctor
04.06.2010s05e11 The Lodger
11.06.2010s05e12 The Pandorica Opens
18.06.2010s05e13 The Big Bang
Sezon 6
s06e01 The Impossible Astronaut
22.04.2011s06e02 Day of the Moon
29.04.2011s06e03 The Curse of the Black Spot
06.05.2011s06e04 The Doctor's Wife
13.05.2011s06e05 The Rebel Flesh
20.05.2011s06e06 The Almost People
27.05.2011s06e07 A Good Man Goes to War
03.06.2011s06e08 Let's Kill Hitler
26.08.2011s06e09 Night Terrors
02.09.2011s06e10 The Girl Who Waited
09.09.2011s06e11 The God Complex
16.09.2011s06e12 Closing Time
23.09.2011s06e13 The Wedding of River Song
Sezon 7
s07e01 Asylum of the Daleks
31.08.2012s07e02 Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
07.09.2012s07e03 A Town Called Mercy
14.09.2012s07e04 The Power of Three
21.09.2012s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan
28.09.2012s07e06 The Bells of Saint John
29.03.2013s07e07 The Rings of Akhaten
05.04.2013s07e08 Cold War
12.04.2013s07e09 Hide
19.04.2013s07e11 The Crimson Horror
03.05.2013s07e12 Nightmare in Silver
10.05.2013s07e13 The Name of the Doctor
Sezon 8
s08e01 Deep Breath
22.08.2014s08e02 Into the Dalek
29.08.2014s08e03 Robot of Sherwood
05.09.2014s08e04 Listen
12.09.2014s08e05 Time Heist
19.09.2014s08e06 The Caretaker
26.09.2014s08e07 Kill the Moon
03.10.2014s08e08 Mummy on the Orient Express
10.10.2014s08e09 Flatline
17.10.2014s08e10 In the Forest of the Night
24.10.2014s08e11 Dark Water
31.10.2014s08e12 Death in Heaven
Sezon 9
s09e01 The Magician's Apprentice
18.09.2015s09e02 The Witch's Familiar
25.09.2015s09e03 Under the Lake
02.10.2015s09e04 Before the Flood
09.10.2015s09e05 The Girl Who Died
16.10.2015s09e06 The Woman Who Lived
23.10.2015s09e07 The Zygon Invasion
30.10.2015s09e08 The Zygon Inversion
06.11.2015s09e09 Sleep No More
13.11.2015s09e10 Face the Raven
20.11.2015s09e11 Heaven Sent
27.11.2015s09e12 Hell Bent
Sezon 10
s10e01 The Pilot
14.04.2017s10e02 Smile
21.04.2017s10e03 Thin Ice
28.04.2017s10e04 Knock Knock
05.05.2017s10e05 Oxygen
12.05.2017s10e06 Extremis
19.05.2017s10e08 The Lie of the Land
02.06.2017s10e09 Empress of Mars
09.06.2017s10e10 The Eaters of Light
16.06.2017s10e11 World Enough and Time
23.06.2017s10e12 The Doctor Falls
Sezon 11
s11e01 The Woman Who Fell to Earth
06.10.2018s11e02 The Ghost Monument
13.10.2018s11e03 Rosa
20.10.2018s11e04 Arachnids in the UK
27.10.2018s11e05 The Tsuranga Conundrum
03.11.2018s11e06 Demons of the Punjab
10.11.2018s11e07 Kerblam!
17.11.2018s11e08 The Witchfinders
24.11.2018s11e09 It Takes You Away
01.12.2018s11e10 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Sezon 12
s12e01 Spyfall: Part One
31.12.2019s12e02 Spyfall: Part Two
04.01.2020s12e03 Orphan 55
11.01.2020s12e04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror
18.01.2020s12e05 Fugitive of the Judoon
25.01.2020s12e06 Praxeus
01.02.2020s12e07 Can You Hear Me?
08.02.2020s12e08 The Haunting of Villa Diodati
15.02.2020s12e09 Ascension of the Cybermen
22.02.2020s12e10 The Timeless Children
29.02.2020s12e11 Revolution of the Daleks
Sezon 13
s13e07 Flux: Eve of the Daleks
31.12.2021s13e08 Legend of the Sea Devils
16.04.2022s13e09 The Power of the Doctor
Sezon 14
s14e00 The Star Beast
24.11.2023s14e00 Wild Blue Yonder
01.12.2023s14e00 The Giggle
08.12.2023s14e00 The Church on Ruby Road
24.12.2023s14e01 Space Babies
09.05.2024s14e02 The Devil's Chord
09.05.2024s14e03 Boom
16.05.2024s14e04 73 Yards
23.05.2024s14e05 Dot and Bubble
30.05.2024s14e06 Rogue
06.06.2024s14e07 The Legend of Ruby Sunday
13.06.2024s14e08 Empire of Death